Want Better Financial Habits? Do This Once a Year

Remember when Marie Kondo took the world by storm with her tidying up routine?

Maybe not, but let’s roll with it.

Her idea is that we can improve our lives by removing clutter and items that no longer “spark joy.”

We can apply similar principles to our financial lives.

(No, you can’t throw out your bills since they don’t spark joy.)

But, you can do some simple spring cleaning.

Financial Habits

Removing the clutter from your financial life doesn’t have to be overwhelming, tedious, or complicated. There are easy ways to tidy things up and keep your financial house in order. That’s the focus of this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter.

Click here to see it!

If you pay attention to the right areas of your financial life, spring cleaning can do a lot more than just get rid of the junk. It can bring you new clarity and head off your bigger money worries with better financial habits.

Go ahead and click here for some simple spring cleaning tips to declutter your financial life.


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